What is this?

Every day a new, crazy idea pops into my head. Maybe it's a movie, a joke, a rock band name. You'll just have to come and find out for yourself.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Well, Hi there!

Welcome aboard the SS Idea Bakery! Have a look around. I hope you like what I've done with the place. Not a lot to work with, mind you, but i manage.

So, you may be wondering "What is this place?" and didn't bother to read the little description in red below the title line. Well, I'll tell you. My mind works at a million miles a minute, and is always spitting out ideas. They are usually chocked full of mindless trivia from all spectrums, mostly movies and music. However, Most of them are corny, half baked, and downright insane. As a matter of fact, I've gotten a lot of blank stares and shaking heads from quite a few of these ideas. But, I still have a yearning to share them. Hence the new online outlet! Every post will have the idea of the day, and i encourage followers of this blog to comment and add on to said ideas. Warning: A lot of this will attempt to be funny, sometimes achieve the funny as well. But, you can't have light without dark. I hope that this place will also be a venue to share many of my deeper thoughts, as well as my thoughts on what's going on in the big wide world, with whoever wants to read it.

So, now you know what you're looking at. And, since it's the first blog, I will not fail to disappoint! Here is the Idea of the Day, sponsored by Ryan's cerebellum.

Waldo. The name itself, when uttered, sends chills into the hearts of men everywhere. Or at least in places where they have a library. Most people know of the famous book series wherein the reader must spot our protagonist, Waldo the striped, cane-carrying traveler, by scanning a page filled with random mobs of people in locations that are unusually overpopulated. Examples include the boardwalk, the future, and a Waldo family reunion.(Guess which one is the hardest?)
Here is my idea for the makers of Waldo. Let's get a series of Where's Waldo in scenes from the Bible. (And the Lord doth said to Waldo, "I found you!!!) I'm talking Waldo in the garden of Eden, Waldo in Noah's ark just chilling with the elephants in the back, hell, let's get Waldo at a crucification. Sure it's racy, but if they didn't want to offend people then they shouldn't have written it in the Bible in the first place.
And then THAT  got me thinking. How about Where's Waldo in famous historical moments? The moon landing. Perfect. The first Thanksgiving. Plenty of people to crowd into that one. The Nuremberg Trials. I say YES!!! I get so upset when I meet little kids that are brainwashed to think that all of history was sunshine and ponies and positive scientific discoveries. Life is beautiful, but it's beautiful because it also sucks ass. The shit and the non-shit balance each other out, and to hide the truth from kids for as long as humanly possible pisses me off.
In conclusion, WHERE'S WALDO PEOPLE. IF YOU ARE READING THIS, THIS IS THE GREATEST IDEA ANYONE IN YOUR COMPANY HAS EVER HAD. USE IT. I ACCEPT CHECK, CASH, AMERICAN EXPRESS, OR MONEY ORDER. (Note to self: Find people who use money order. Judge them harshly.) This has been another idea, hot out of the oven of the Idea Bakery.